Postal Addresses
Need to send your address to someone so they can send you mail? We were surprised by the number of situations where people wanted to send someone else their "snail mail"
Then again, we should have thought about it more, here's the places you use a postal address:
- US mail a.k.a - "mail"/"USPS" (United States Postal Service)
- FEDEX, a.k.a. "FDX" (Federal Express). Remember "“When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight”?
- UPS, aka "Brown" (United Parcel Service)
You can put your postal address in the "Notes" field of your card. (This is new for 2017!)
- Tap the pencil icon to edit the field
- Type in the postal address, and any friendly context you might want to provide.
- Tap "Update Note".
"Native" support
What is native support?
Most address book programs have native support (separate fields for street, city, state, etc.).
Does DropCard provide that?
- No
When will support be added?
We would like to add that in the future.
At this time, we don't think it is a popular request, nor high value (you can't easily move that data into other programs, like pay for a credit card on a web site). We also feel like we haven't finished our thinking on how to make it work really well, that DropCard magic we want to deliver whenever possible.