About "Phone number"
You can save multiple phone numbers.
Probably as many as you like, but we've only tested about 4 numbers, at this time.
Entering Phone numbers
Phone numbers can be entered as 10 or 11 digit numbers.
We also try to sift thru any decorative punctuation and spaces. For example:
- (408) 555-1234
- 408-555-1235
- 408.555.1236
We display the phone number in the traditional US format for10 digits - area code in parens.
What about using letters ("phonewords")?
Letters of the alphabet (A...Z) will be converted into numbers, but length needs to be valid.
For example:
"1-800-DISCOVER" is too long, you have to remove the extra character yourself.
Can I enter numbers without an area code?
We only display phone numbers that include an area code, and in order to do that, we currently require you to enter the area code with the phone number.
What does "Invalid phone number format. Please enter a valid phone number."
We check the structure of the number several ways. If you use the wrong length, or use an invalid area code, you will get this error.
(It goes without saying, since you are sharing this to people, you should not use fake numbers.)
Canadian phone numbers allowed?
(Canadian numbers are mostly specific area codes, that other wise look identical to US numbers).