Q: What is a "label" (for a phone number, email address or web address)?

Q: What is a "label" (for a phone number, email address or web address)?

A: a descriptive name for contact data

Some people can be contacted several ways. (In fact, most people have more than one phone number now). Labels are a word or two that describe the purpose or usage of the method of contact.

Rule of thumb: "You can have two phone numbers, but only one name."

More Q&A

What labels does DropCard provide?

DropCard provides a set of labels that will work with iOS and macOS.

What labels are available for phone numbers?

  • home
  • work
  • mobile
  • iPhone
  • main
  • home fax
  • work fax
  • pager
  • other
  • phone

What labels are available for email addresses?

  • home
  • work
  • school

What labels are available for web addresses?

  • homepage
  • home
  • work
  • school
  • other

MacOS vs. iOS - "home page" appears differently

MacOS → home page

iOS → homepage

Can I use custom labels?

No. The current version of DropCard does not let you use "custom" to create you own label.